Marina Rigou

Assistant Professor of Journalism, New Media and Politics

Marina Rigou is an Assistant Professor of Journalism and New Media at the Department of Communication and Media StudiesNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Member of the Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University since 2004 till 2017 she taught “Multi Media Journalism”, “Radio Broadcast Production” and “Introduction to Reporting”.

She holds a PhD Degree (marked Excellent) from the University of Athens on “Contemporary Forms of Publicity, New Media and Politics”. At the same University she has also accomplished her studies on Physics Sciences at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, followed by a Degree in Communication and Mass Media Studies, in which field she acquired her postgraduate degree too. She is the author of a book titled From Digital Revolution to Digital Surveillance.

New Media, Publicity and Politics (Sideris Publishing House, 2014). Many articles and research papers of hers dealing with issues concerning communication, media and politics, sustainability and democracy have been published in scientific journals and books. She has conducted researches on the topics of the Internet, Politics, Public Opinion, Journalism and Mass Media. She has also carried out extended research on “Macedonian Issue” and the “Imia Islands Incident” as well.

Among the multidiscipline conferences she was invited to speak are indicatively the 5th Greek-Turkish Journalists Conference “Reporting the Normal” organized by the Greek Turkish Friendship Association, the Greek Tourism Ministry and the Turkish Press Ministry on June 2008 and the International Workshop: “Europe’s new Mediterranean Reality: Migration and Asylum”, conducted by the European Parliament Offices in Greece, in Malta and Cyprus on July and September 2011.

She is a member of: Greek Journalists Association, International Federation of Journalists, Hellenic Political Science Association and Hellenic Sociological Society. Marina Rigou has been a journalist for more than 32 years and has worked for many organisations like Greece’s Public Broadcaster, Flash Radio, USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, Global Post, and many others. Occasional reporting for BBC Radio5, Sky News, i24news, Berlingske (2018). On June 2008 she was awarded the radio broadcasting European Journalism Award for her program “A trip at space and time” on the Lisbon Treaty.