Educational, Research & Consultancy Institute

Education, Consultancy and Global Reach

The ERCI (Educational, Research & Consultancy Institute) was founded in 2001 by experienced and specialized executives and provides integrated
solutions in terms of education, consultancy and support services to
educational, investment, production and development institutions.

It is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Association of Vocational
Training Institutions, the international association ESOMAR, The World
Association of Research Professionals, ECEC (European Community for
Education and Communication) and its consultants are accredited by the
Cyprus Human Resources Development and Technology Foundation,
Standards Writers and Examiners in the Cyprus Professional Qualifications
Certification System.

A significant part of the E-RCI Institutes activities is
taken up by the implementation of European mobility programmes in the
context of Lifelong Learning to and from Cyprus.

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