The Association for Pedagogy, Information and MedienDriving Digital Education and Sustainability Initiatives
GPI “Johann Amos Comenius” was founded in 1964 with the aim of introducing the general public to the latest achievements in the field of systematic, scientifically based teaching and learning methods and to encourage their introduction into schools and education.
Since 1995, GPI has been awarding the Comenius-EduMedia prizes for exemplary digital educational media. The awards support pedagogically, content-wise, and visually outstanding didactic digital media products and euro-cultural educational media.
In the project, GPI acts as the applicant and coordinator and also coordinates 3 out of 4 work packages: preparation and hosting of the Green-Up Awards 2024 and 2025, coordination of work on this website and the platform in its background, and organization of conferences on “Sustainability in/and Adult Education” (working title) 2024 and 2025.
Let's sustaintogether
Get in conctact and work on Education ≈ Sustainability